What Causes Schizophrenia?
Over the years there have been many ideas about the causes of
schizophrenia which have taken us up blind alleys. For instance the
Victorians and Edwardians believed that it was caused by masturbation
and then in the sixties when the family was being criticised it was
thought by many that poor family life caused schizophrenia. However,
schizophrenia has now been studied closely for over a hundred years and
whilst it is still not fully understood we have a very good idea of the
sorts of factors that are liable to put you at greater risk of suffering
an episode of this illness.
The current thinking is that schizophrenia is based on two causes.
First an underlying factor originating from your birth or your genes and
that doctors call a predisposing factor makes you more susceptible to
the condition. Then at some point during your life (commonly in late
teens or early twenties) a trigger, which doctors call a precipitating
factor, such as stress or changes in hormones will lead to the first
A. Predisposing factors for schizophrenia
On average about one in every 100 people will experience an episode
of schizophrenia at some point during their lifetime, a risk of about
1%. It has been observed ever since schizophrenia was first described
that it tends to run in families. If you have a relative with this
condition then you will be more likely to suffer from it yourself and
the more closelyrelated you are to them the higher the risk.
instance if you have a brother or sister with the condition then your
chances of suffering from it yourself increase to about 9% and if that
sibling is an identical twin then the chances are around 28%. If one of
your parents has schizophrenia then your chances of suffering with it
are about 13% and if both parents have it then the risk increases to
about 36%.1
Of course this begs the question: is it some genetic factor that
predisposes you to suffering with the condition or is it because the two
individuals share elements of the same environment during their
upbringing? This is the nature versus nurture debate. But studies over
many years of siblings adopted as babies or during infancy point
towards a genetic factor that was pivotal rather than the kind of
upbringing they received and scientists now agree, after over a hundred
years of research, that there is a genetic predisposition in
Complications during pregnancy and birth
Obstetric complications, that is a difficult in pregnancy or birth,
are found to have occurred in about 40% of people with schizophrenia.
There is no clear pattern in the research as to exactly the sorts of
complications that may be the cause. A prolonged and traumatic
delivery, lack of oxygen during delivery, an unusually high number of
prior miscarriages and infections immediately following birth have all
been described as possible links.2
Infectious agent
Much research has been done into the possibility that an infection
picked up by babies in the womb or shortly after birth may cause changes
in the brain which could lay dormant and cause schizophrenia later on
in life. Some of this research has been promising and some has been
conflicting. One particular infection called toxoplasmosis, which is
associated with domestic cats, has been identified as being a suspect.
There may however be something in this, since some viruses are very
seasonal it would certainly account for the seasonality of births in
schizophrenia with more people who experience the illness being born in
the winter and spring than in the summer and autumn. However the jury
is still out on this.3
Use of street drugs and schizophrenia
It has long been known that some drugs can induce symptoms of
psychosis. For instance amphetamines (speed) and cocaine are well known
to cause paranoia and LSD causes hallucinations. But so far only one
drug, cannabis, has been said to cause permanent psychosis. The link
between cannabis and schizophrenia has for some years been very
contentious but there is now a strong body of research evidence emerging
that shows that if you use cannabis you are considerably more likely to
go on to develop schizophrenia.
Studies have shown that if you use cannabis you are more likely to
develop schizophrenia than if you don’t with various studies finding the
increased risk up to six times higher. Furthermore use of cannabis or
other street drugs following the first episode of schizophrenia will
leave you more liable to a relapse and involve you in more admissions to
is thought that if cannabis is used in the teenage years before the
brain is fully developed permanent damage can be done and the earlier
that cannabis use starts the higher the risk. Using cannabis in early
adolescence can lead to a fourfold risk of developing schizophrenia
later on.15
This issue has become much more significant in recent years because
of the development by drug dealers of new types of cannabis plant that
are much stronger in their effects. The new strains of cannabis plants
developed by genetic modification techniques contain much higher levels
of the active ingredient THC than the strains that were available 20
years ago. In fact levels of THC in cannabis in 2009 were about four
times higher than in 1980.13
Furthermore, whereas the link between cannabis use and the first
episode of schizophrenia is just emerging, the link between the use of
street drugs and dangerous behaviour by schizophrenics such as suicide
and violence has been long established. Along with a previous history
of dangerousness and non-adherence with medication, use of alcohol and
street drugs is a clearly established predictor for dangerous behaviour
in people living with schizophrenia.14
Migrant origin
communities tend to show a higher incidence of schizophrenia. Young
Afro-Carribean men in the UK are particularly at risk.Recent
studies have shown that first and second generation immigrants have a
much higher risk of developing schizophrenia and that this risk is
greater if the migrants originate from countries where the population is
black in ethnic origin.16 Why this should be so is not yet
fully understood and there are a number of theories including
susceptibility to certain virus infections and lack of sunlight. This
may at least in part explain the very much higher incidence of
schizophrenia amongst young Afro Caribbean men in the UK.
B. Precipitating factors
However a genetic predisposition does not give us the complete
picture. The fact that only 50% of identical twins with a sibling who
has schizophrenia will develop the illness themselves despite sharing
exactly the same genes tells us that genetics cannot be the whole answer
and that there must be other factors playing a role here. So it is
also thought that, in addition to the right combination of genes or
other pre-disposing factors, there needs to be some precipitating factor
which somehow triggers the first episode.
This precipitating factor can sometimes be hormonal changes such as
those experienced during puberty or after childbirth, the stress caused
by a bereavement or a period of prolonged and very intense stress such
as that caused by over-work at exam time.
It is very important here to distinguish between a stress event as a
trigger in someone pre-disposed to the condition and stressful life
events as predisposing in themselves. Studies have found no link
between past trauma in a person’s life and their propensity for
schizophrenia; after all if this were the case then we would expect to
see epidemics of schizophrenia amongst concentration camp survivors or
victims of the blitz and this has not been the case.17
C. What doesn’t cause schizophrenia?
Over time many unhelpful theories have arisen about the causes of
schizophrenia which have subsequently been found to be groundless and
have thankfully fallen by the wayside. Often these theories tend to
reflect social trends of the time and new ones keep on cropping up even
It was widely believed during the 19th and early 20th centuries, when
sexual mores were very much stricter than today, that masturbation
caused schizophrenia and other types of mental ill health. Needless to
say we now know that this is a preposterous idea and yet at the time
this belief was widespread amongst doctors and laypeople alike.4
Bad parenting
Bad parenting and in particular bad mothering was thought to cause
schizophrenia in offspring for much of the 20th century. This belief
found widespread support from the followers of Sigmund Freud’s
psychoanalytic theories but it is worth noting that Freud himself
believed that schizophrenia probably had physical origins and refused to
treat it by psychoanalysis.
The various psychoanalytic theories reflected the belief that
traumatic experiences in early childhood, often forgotten and
unacknowledged, affected the development of the child’s “ego”. Later,
so the theory goes, under the stress of adolescence the ego
disintegrates and the person regresses to an infantile condition.5,6
1948 Fromm and Reichman took this a stage further and came up with the
concept of schizophrenogenic families. That is, a family environment
that gives rise to schizophrenia in the offspring. In the 1960s and
1970s the growth of the anti-psychiatry movement gave the belief added
In the past such family theories have been widespread amongst
professionals who have seen the person’s family as being part of the
problem rather than as an important factor in the overall therapeutic
solution. Families were often denied information about their loved
one’s condition and people suffering from psychotic episodes were
sometimes removed from their supportive family home to live in seedy
bedsits where they were often unable to cope with the pressures of
everyday life and were targetted by predatory or anti social neighbours.
The families were then stigmatised as being the cause of their loved
ones problems.
The theories which gave rise to these abuses were often not tested by
evidence and thankfully we have moved on. However it is still possible
to encounter older professionals who stubbornly cling to these beliefs.
In 1975 the prominent psychiatrist Julian Leff, along with Steven
Hirsch reviewed all the available literature on the family theories and
concluded that there was no hard evidence that family upbringing caused
The double bind theory
1956 an American anthropologist, Gregory Bateson, published a paper in
which he claimed that schizophrenia arose in people who had been
subjected to what he termed double bind communications from their
parents during childhood. That is parents who said one thing to their
child whilst meaning the opposite. Bateson never produced any
statistical evidence to support this theory and for that matter neither
did anyone else but despite the absence of an evidence base it gained
considerable popularity amongst psychologists and social workers during
the 60’s and 70’s. Even today it is possible to find old school
professionals particularly in the social work and criminal justice
fields who still hold to this absurd and baseless theory.7
Child abuse and schizophrenia
With society’s growing awareness of the issue of child abuse during
the 1990’s and into the 21st century came the hypothesis that
experiences of abuse during childhood and adolescence caused
schizophrenia later in life. Whilst such experiences of abuse are
undoubtedly psychologically damaging, there is currently no solid
research evidence of a link with schizophrenia.8
A sane reaction to an insane world
This bizarre theory was the brainchild of British psychoanalyst
Ronald Laing who became the doyen of the anti-psychiatry movement of the
1960’s. The theory grew out of the idea that often the person
diagnosed with schizophrenia was the scapegoat for the social turbulence
of a dysfunctional family environment and may in fact paradoxically be
the sanest member of the family group. Although the idea gained a great
deal of popularity, in later life Laing himself became increasingly
disillusioned with it.9
Schizophrenia doesn’t exist
the middle of the 20th century there were those in the anti-psychiatry
movement who proposed that schizophrenia didn’t exist at all and that it
was simply an invention of the psychiatry profession. Dr Thomas Szasz,
a psychoanalyst in the USA, became well known for this theory. He
called schizophrenia a fake disease and the sacred symbol of psychiatry.
Perhaps if he had ever had to endure a day living with the voices he
would not have resorted to this potty notion.9
D. What factors don’t fit the theories?
Whilst it is extremely useful to both the sufferers and their carers
to understand that their schizophrenia is not the result of something
they have done wrong, it is also important to realise that the causes of
schizophrenia are still not fully understood and that this condition
does exhibit some very odd quirks in the way that it occurs.
For instance schizophrenia is very much an urban condition, with
people growing up in cities having about twice the risk of developing it
than their counterparts in the countryside.10
In addition there is a distinct seasonal variation in the birthdates
of people with schizophrenia, there being an excess of births during the
winter and spring. Episodes tend to be seasonal as well with more
admissions to inpatient care being required in the summer.11
There are also differences between the genders in the way that
schizophrenia occurs. It usually affects men at a slightly earlier age
than women and tends to be more severe in men.
It is also interesting to note that during the first half of the 20th
century in the industrialised countries most people with schizophrenia
were confined in large asylums where they had very few opportunities to
reproduce, yet during this time the incidence of schizophrenia in the
general population actually increased slightly. Clearly then the
genetic pre-disposition angle is more complex than it first may appear.
It is clear that the problem may not be one gene acting alone but
several acting in combination and that this combination may actually be
present in a very large proportion of the population most of whom will
not experience a precipitating event such as extremely high stress
levels. Simply having the right combination of predisposing genes does
not in any way make an episode of schizophrenia a certainty.
Schizophrenia is a complex condition that is still not fully
understood. This is no great surprise really. The brain after all is
the most complex organ in the body so it follows that its disorders will
be equally complex. However after more than a century of research we
know enough about the condition to be able to say with some certainty
what factors are liable to make you more susceptible and which aren’t.
1. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P365.
2. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P151.
3. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P164.
4. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P168.
5. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P168.
6. Howe, Gwen, Schizophrenia a Fresh Approach, p27.
7. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P169.
8. Warner R, 2000, The Environment of Schizophrenia, Brunner Routledge, P3.
9. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P171.
10. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P150.
11. Warner R, 2000, The Environment of Schizophrenia, Brunner Routledge, P9.
12. Burton N, 2012, Living with Schizophrenia, Acheron press, P18
13. Wade M, Does smoking cannabis increase the risk of developing schizophrenia?, Royal College of Psychiatrists.
14. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P309.
15. Reveley A, 2006, Your Guide to Schizophrenia, Hodder Arnold P51.
16. Reveley A, 2006, Your Guide to Schizophrenia, Hodder Arnold P53.
17. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizpophrenia, Quill, P166.
18. Leff J, 2001, The Unbalanced Mind, Phoenix, P41.
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