Schizophrenia: An Illness of the Brain
Schizophrenia is an illness affecting the brain and rooted within the biological functions of the brain cells.1,2
It is a very complex illness which is still not completely understood,
although it has been studied in detail for over 100 years since it was
first described by Dr Emil Krapelin in 1887. It tends to strike most
often in late teens and early twenties, slightly earlier in men than in
women, although late onset illness can occur as late as the 70s.
Schizophrenia before puberty is very rare.11
The word schizophrenia literally means a “fragmented mind”. Contrary
to popular opinion it does not mean a split personality: this is a
separate condition altogether known as dissociative identity disorder
and is not related to schizophrenia. A person with schizophrenia does
not have several different distinct personalities active in their
psyche, a Jekyll and Hyde personality, as many people believe but rather
the various parts and functions of their mind are often disconnected
and confused.6
What Causes Schizophrenia?
The causes of schizophrenia have been the subject of extensive debate
for over a hundred years but it is generally accepted by doctors today
that it is the result of predisposing genetic or obstetric factors
combining with some stress event later in life which triggers the first
episode. So if you have relation with the condition or had a difficult
birth you will be more likely to suffer from it yourself.
However, over the decades there have been many baseless theories
about the causes of schizophrenia which have led us up blind alleys.
These theories have often reflected the social thinking and attitudes of
the time. For instance the Edwardians were convinced that it was
masturbation that caused the condition and for a large part of the 20th
century poor parenting was blamed by many psychologists.7,8
How Does Schizophrenia Affect people?
Schizophrenia is described by psychiatrists as a psychotic illness
and it exhibits itself in two ways: negative symptoms such as lethargy,
apathy and social withdrawal and positive symptoms such as
hallucinations and delusions. Either or both may be present in an
individual at the same time.3
Schizophrenia is a severe condition in which the sufferer may lose
touch with reality, become socially withdrawn, be unable to work or
study and stop looking after themselves. Their behaviour may become
bizarre or sometimes dangerous.
An acute episode of schizophrenia may last weeks or months but the
condition is usually disabling over a period of years and in its chronic
course may, in a minority of sufferers, last a lifetime. However the
majority of sufferers do show a substantial improvement following
treatment and will return eventually to a fairly high level of
Who Gets Schizophrenia?
There is no type of personality prone to schizophrenia, nor does
schizophrenia affect one racial or social group more than others. It is
a condition that is present in all countries and types of societies in
the world and affects all social classes.
Hard facts as to the number of people living with schizophrenia in the UK are hard to come by and range from over 250,000 people4 to about 400,000 people5
and whilst the clinical outcomes are generally quite good the social
outcomes remain poor. Most people who experience an episode of
schizophrenia will return to a high level of functioning following
treatment but in the UK very few will work or own their own home.9,2
Treatments for Schizophrenia
Treatment in the NHS is mainly by the use of anti-psychotic
medications and talking therapies in combination. Modern
anti-psychotics alone are very effective against the positive symptoms
such as hallucinations and delusions but much less so against the
negative ones such as apathy and withdrawal. Combining talking
therapies and anti-psychotic medications gives the best chance of a good
recovery.2 Since 2009 the National Institute of Clinical
Excellence (NICE) has recommended that all adults suffering with
schizophrenia should be offered both cognitive behavioural therapy and
family intervention in addition to medication.10
1. Reveley A. 2006, Your Guide to Schizophrenia, Hodder Arnold, P1.
2. Author’s personal experiences.
3. Reveley A. 2006, Your Guide to Schizophrenia, Hodder Arnold, P4.
4. Schizophrenia: Facts and Statistics,, viewed on line 17th March 2013.
5. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Quality and
Outcomes Framework, Briefing Paper, 2009,, Viewed on
line 17th March 2013.
6. Snyder K, 2007, Me, Myself and Them, A Firsthand Account of One
Young Person’s Experience With Schizophrenia, Oxford University Press.
7. Leff J, 2001, The Unbalanced Mind, Phoenix, P41.
8. Fuller Torrey E, 2001, Surviving Schizophrenia, Quill, P168-169.
9. Warner R, 2000, The Environment of Schizophrenia, Brunner-Routledge, P73.
10. NICE Clinical Guideline 82, 2009, Schizophrenia. Core
Interventions in the Treatment and Management of Schizophrenia in Adults
in Primary and Secondary Care.
11. Lintner B, 1996, Living with Schizophrenia, Vermilion, P12-13.
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